Computer Science Lesson Plan
Class: 4, Lesson : 13.1 Presentation

Purpose: Learn about Open office presentation. Improving Animation effects, formatting text and creating presentations.( Font work gallery, slide transition and sound)

No. of. classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Open office, Birds picture

Prior knowledge

Students should know the following before this exercise.

  • Properties or Formatting Tool
  • Insert picture
  • Hindi typing
  • To know the Basic Impress
  • Exercise


    Type your name. Use a font work gallery. How to give animation and sound for images? How to do transition and sound for slides?

    Create a presentation similar to Output solution.odp with the following,

  • Add any text in English and also add a picture, to give a font using the font gallery, and to create an animation and sound.
  • Use a font work gallery to change the appearance of the text.
  • Apply custom animation to the name and picture.
  • Apply slide transitions and sounds.
  • Solution

    Teacher Instruction
    1. Even if it takes time, make the Students type the text.
    2. Allow the Students to watch the Solution.odt with the solution.
    3. Use the words “Properties”, “Master pages”, “Custom animation”, “Slide transition”, “Font work Gallery” etc. while teaching. They need to become familiar with these words.